The School Admissions Team is primarily responsible for:
managing the coordinated admission process for the main transition points; entry to Reception class, junior and secondary transfer, together with all 32 other London boroughs and five local authorities bordering London – Surrey, Kent, Hertfordshire, Essex and Thurrock
coordinating in-year admissions for all 90 primary, 22 secondary and the 3 all-through schools in the borough, ensuring correct and timely allocation of places to children arriving to the area and those changing schools during the year
using a set of principles known as Barnet’s Fair Access Protocol, to ensure that the most vulnerable children and those with a history of challenging behaviour are quickly placed and equitably distributed across Barnet schools
representing Barnet Council at independent school admission appeal hearings for the 39 community primary schools and Friern Barnet Community Secondary School
providing annual assistance and professional advice to school governing bodies and academy trusts on the admission arrangements consultation process
ensuring provision of appropriate travel assistance for eligible children in mainstream education, in compliance with Barnet’s Home-to-School Travel Assistance Policy
tracking and monitoring applications and allocation of school places to identify and children potentially missing education.
These statutory processes are regulated within a tight legal framework, set out in the Department for Education (DfE)’s School Admissions Code, the School Admissions Appeals Code, Children Missing Education Guidance and Home to School Travel and Transport Guidance.
In addition, the Admissions Team works in collaboration with the Greater London Authority (GLA), London Councils, neighbouring local authorities and colleagues across Barnet’s services to project and analyse pupil forecasts and assist with the Council’s School Place Planning Strategy for maintaining a balanced supply of school places.
For information regarding School Admissions, please see the Barnet Council website here.​
For more information on Admissions, contact Admissions Team Manager & School Place Planner Ferzana Arif at