Understanding data about how pupils are progressing empowers schools to make the decisions they need to best support pupils and improve school performance.
BELS’ Educational Data traded service offers a range of services to help schools and settings make informed decisions about improving school performance, whether you are looking for a comprehensive package to meet all your school's needs or are simply looking to see how your school or setting compares to others in the area.
BELS’ Educational Data Team support schools and settings in understanding and interpreting all the data available, including the DfE’s Analyse School Performance (ASP), the Ofsted Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR), the Barnet School Profile and Barnet Route MAP, so school leaders and governors can create informed plans for pupil success.
Learn more about our Educational Data services below, which can be purchased individually or as the all-inclusive Educational Data Package. Reach out to Karanjit Dhami at or via phone at 020 8359 3047 to discover how we can support your school.
Education Data Package
Barnet School Profile (for Barnet primary schools) – An early overview of the results for the school from EYFS to KS2
Route MAP (primary schools) - Route MAP was developed in response to the challenge of monitoring pupil progress in a world where assessment is measured without levels. Legacy progress tracking systems have monitored progress and attainment primarily through “objective ticking”, which can present an inaccurate picture of attainment and progress during the academic year. The Route MAP (Monitoring Attainment and Progress) for pupils supports in-year attainment and progress monitoring. It does this by providing a simple and accessible framework that enables teachers and senior leaders to assess the attainment and progress of pupils using their professional judgement and holistic knowledge of the pupils.
Nexus Reports - All Barnet schools get a basic view of Perspective Lite through NCER. However, if you subscribe to this Traded Service, you will receive enhanced access, which includes a suite of reports for early analysis of attainment data and early (real-time) comparators with National and Barnet.
Data Training - free access to central training on: DfE Analyse School Performance (ASP); Ofsted Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR); Barnet School Profile, Route MAP and Nexus
Email support on data
Meal Checking Service
To secure maximum funding for your school, it is important that you identify those pupils who attract a premium to ensure extra support for those students. This service maximises your funding through:
Bulk FSM Checks
We will perform checks for your Barnet resident pupils listed in your October and January Census returns, against the Barnet’s Revenue & Benefit data to ensure that as many as possible newly eligible FSM pupils are identified for your school
Ad-hoc Checks
Unlimited Ad-hoc Checks for new claimants are also included in this service, where we will provide you quick, easy and authoritative results from the Department for Education’s FSM Eligibility Checking System throughout the financial year. You can also use this element of the service for your non-Barnet resident pupils. You will only need to provide the following information to us:
Parent’s National Insurance Number or National Asylum Support Service Reference Number
Parent’s date of birth
Parent’s surname