The Early Years Standards Team provides guidance, support and training across all early years sectors to raise quality and improve educational standards. This includes advice on organising an appropriate learning environment, assessment of children’s development and progress including the two year old progress check and the Profile as well as preparation and action related to Ofsted inspections. Support is given to all new settings, and then provided according to the level of need within settings.
A full package of training is provided, bringing together practitioners from different settings centrally to share research led practice and inspire high quality provision.
The team works with all early years settings and childminders supporting children from birth to six-years-old. It is led by our Early Years Standards Lead and our Strategic Lead for Early Years in Schools and is delivered by a highly experienced team. Should you wish to get in touch with the team please email: louise.jennings@barnet.gov.uk
Explore what's available this Autumn by viewing the Early Years Training Programme for 2022-2023.