An Educational Psychologist works in educational and community settings to improve outcomes for children and young people under the age of 25.
The needs that we consider:
Communication and interaction
Cognition and learning
Social and emotional mental health
Sensory and physical
Our Educational Psychologist Team (EPT) work with educational and community settings in Barnet to create an inclusive culture, identify the strengths and needs, and support staff, parents, and children/young people. Educational Psychologists can support settings at:
a whole organisation level, such as developing policy and procedure and staff trainings
group level, such as supporting a particular year group or support around a particular need
individual level, with an individual child or young person
BELS’ EP service uses a consultation model of service delivery. This means work begins by working collaboratively with key stakeholders to identify desired outcomes, existing strengths, areas for improvement, and creating an actionable plan that meets the unique context.
BELS’ Educational Psychologists also provide bespoke training opportunities to staff or parents to empower them with the skills and confidence to better support children and young people. Previously, these have included:
Supporting children with literacy or numeracy difficulties
Precision Teaching (an evidence-based intervention to support children of young people to acquire and maintain specific academic skills)
Emotion Coaching (a way to support children “in the moment” to manage their emotions and regulate behaviour)
Trauma-informed Schools
Supporting children to develop social skills
And training focused on specific disorders, such as Autism, Down Syndrome, and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)
Our Educational Psychologists are trained and experienced in delivering evidence-based interventions to individual and groups of children, parents, and staff. Some of the interventions currently on offer include:
Play-based Therapeutic Approaches
Motivational interviewing
Cognitive Behaviour Therapeutic Approaches
Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSA)
Video Interaction Guidance (VIG)
View the interventions our EP team currently offer here.
Learn more about what an Educational Psychologist can do in your school or setting by contacting:​
Amanda Ryzman at or by phone at 020 8359 7660
Marina Costa at or by phone at 020 8359 7661
Visit here to view the training currently on offer from our Educational Psychology Team.
To purchase an Educational Psychology service, contact one of the members of our Educational Psychology Team above.
If you would like to learn more about how Educational Psychologists work in the community, visit the Local Offer page.