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The Local Authority must be notified of suspensions and exclusions, this is a statutory requirement according to statutory guidance on suspension and permanent exclusions published by the Department for Education (DfE) in July 2022 (and further updated in September 2022).


Please find below the links to use from September 2024 to inform the Local Authority of exclusions and suspensions:



Permanent exclusions should only take place:


  • in response to a serious breach or persistent breaches of the school’s behaviour policy; and

  • where allowing the pupil to remain in school would seriously harm the education or welfare of the pupil or others in the school.


All exclusions must follow the correct procedure as set out in the Department for Education’s Statutory Exclusion guidance – check that you are using the current guidance found here.


BELS Exclusions team have produced supplementary guidance to support schools.


Do the Police or MASH need to be involved?


Incidents where you might involve the Police:


  • Criminal damage

  • Cyber crime

  • Drugs

  • Harassment

  • Sexual offences

  • Theft

  • Weapons


In an emergency call 999, otherwise call the Safer Schools Police Team (for secondary schools) on 020 8733 5857 or call 101 (for primary schools).





If there is a safeguarding or child protection risk a MASH referral must be made   If you are unsure, you can always call MASH 020 8359 4066 to seek advice.


Additional guidance


Pupils with EHCPs


If a pupil with an EHC Plan is to receive a suspension/ exclusion then the school must always inform the pupil’s SEN case worker.  If the need to suspend persists or the child/young person is at risk of permanent exclusion then the school should consider calling an Urgent Annual Review and inviting all professionals currently involved with the child or young person. This would involve discussion for further support and /or a change of placement being explored.

If a pupil with an EHCP is at risk of permanent exclusion, the school should follow the DFE guidance and work with the local authority to avoid the exclusion and contact the Exclusions Officer, …..,  in the Local Authority.


Children who have a social worker including Looked After and Previously Looked-After children


For the majority of children who have a social worker, this is due to known safeguarding risks at home or in the community: over half are in need due to abuse or neglect and so headteachers should bear in mind in decision making the protection they have by being in school.

The school should always avoid suspending or excluding a pupil with who is looked after (LAC). 


  • Where a pupil has a social worker, e.g. because they are the subject of a Child in Need Plan or a Child Protection Plan, and they are at risk of suspension or permanent exclusion, the headteacher should inform their social worker, the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and the pupil’s parents to involve them all as early as possible in relevant conversations


  • Where a looked-after child (LAC) is likely to be subject to a suspension or permanent exclusion, the Designated Teacher (DT) should contact the local authority’s Virtual School as soon as possible.


  • Where previously looked-after children face the risk of being suspended or permanently excluded, the school should engage with the child’s parents and the school’s DT.


Information sharing is vital in safeguarding children and should be shared as early as possible. Whenever a headteacher suspends or permanently excludes a pupil they must, without delay, after their decision, notify the social worker, if a pupil has one, and the VSH, if the pupil is looked after.  Both the social worker and/or VSH, must be informed when a governing board meeting is taking place, in order to share information.


If a LAC pupil is at risk of permanent exclusion, the school should follow the DFE guidance and work with the local authority to avoid the exclusion (p19 of the guidance has Preventative Measure to school exclusion).  This would involve liaison with the VS case worker, social worker and any other agencies involved to seek an alternative educational setting.


Support available to schools


The Inclusion Advisory Team  



Schools can access commissioned advice and support for pupils at risk of permanent exclusion. Learn about statutory resources in the borough and support for pupils at risk of exclusion by visiting their page on the Local Offer, or learn more about IAT's traded services here.




Schools can commission the Pavilion to mentor individual pupils and/or groups of pupils who are at risk of exclusion.  Steps to Success is a 6 week full time respite programme for pupils at risk of exclusion.


Please contact: or for further details.


Barnet Integrated Clinical Services (BICS)


BICS support children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing in school, community, youth justice and social care settings. This could involve individual, family or group work, alongside community workshops and staff training. It’s OK to talk.


If you would like to contact the BICS team, please e-mail If you need to talk to us, please call our Support Line on 020 8359 3130.  The BICS Support Line is currently open from 09:00 to 17:00 hours.


For further information please see CYPs can visit Talk about it | Barnet Council for resources


If you/your child are under 18 and need urgent help in a mental health crisis, please call either 999 for emergency services or the 24-hour Barnet CAMHS crisis service on 0800 151 0023.


Educational  Psychology Service and Team


Educational Psychology Service 


View a range of statutory Educational Psychology services on the Barnet Local Offer or view their traded services offer here.


Educational Psychology Team


The Educational Psychology Team have a range of training packages covering Emotional Coaching, ELSA, Zones of Regulation– contact your school’s EP. Learn more about their statutory offer by visiting their page on the Local Offer or learn more about their traded services here



Early Help


Early Intervention is about taking action as soon as possible to tackle problems for children and families before they become more difficult to reverse (Early Intervention Foundation).  We should aim to identify children, young people and families that may be at risk of future difficulties and provide them with timely and effective support.


Early Help can involve a range of professionals from a wide range of agencies including health, schools, housing, youth work, child & adolescent mental health, substance misuse and domestic violence professionals who can work together to assess and intervene in a family’s difficulties.


If there are child protection concerns - always refer to the Barnet Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) without delay.


Learn how to access Early Help support here. 


Early Help Hubs


Click here to learn which Early Help Hub your school is allocated to.


East Central Based at Newstead Children’s Centre


Service Manager – Michaela Carlowe ( )

Team Managers – Sally Bye, ( Sarah O’Donovan (sarah.o’ Ewa Janowska (


West based at Barnet and Southgate College – Colindale


Service Manager - Andrea Mullings (

Team Managers – Mark Vargeson, ( Marisa Manco – Cox, (


South based at Parkfield Children’s Centre


Service Manager – Meera Bhayani (

Team Managers – Lois Hoare ( Shelina Begum (



Resilient Schools Programme


The Resilient Schools (RS) Programme provides a comprehensive, preventative and free programme for all schools in Barnet by providing support, training and tools to help school communities to adopt a whole school approach to raising mental health awareness and addressing stigma.  This includes Youth Mental Health First Aid Training, Suicide Prevention Training and opportunities for gaining the Resilient Schools Kitemark. Our audit tool generates a jargon-free and accessible report, providing a benchmark to evidence good practice, areas for improvement and enable us to provide bespoke advice on developing a whole school approach based on the needs of your school community. 


Learn more by contacting 


Turnaround Programme


The aim of the Turnaround Programme is to prevent young people (10 to 17 years) becoming involved in crime or anti-social behaviour by offering support to young people and their families. Schools can refer a student under the category anti-social behaviour.


For more information: Turnaround programme | Barnet Council  



Youth Justice Engage Project


The project aims to work with children and young people (10 to 17 years) in police detention at Barnet, Brent and Harrow Custody Suites. It will identify risk factors relating to Serious Youth Violence (SYV) and ensure appropriate and targeted responses via local interventions and provisions. 

The project will ensure a dedicated and trained practitioner provides intervention in police custody at teachable, reachable moments and beyond. – to be eligible for this the young person  must have been arrested and remanded in custody. They can be part of their safeguarding planning should they have a student that has recently been in custody.


For more information: Youth Justice Engage Project | Barnet Council



Growing Against Violence (GAV)


The team can offer a range of workshops to be delivered within your school covering:


  • Social media

  • Peer pressure

  • Gangs

  • Stop and Search

  • Knife crime


Find out more about the GAV programme offer: Stop Gang Violence | Education for pupils and teachers ( 


Click here for their primary school information. Click here for their secondary school information


Contact Shaun Wilshire with any queries relating to GAV Workshops and to take part.

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