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A Supported Internship Case Study: Godspower Obode


A Supported Internship is an employer-based learning programme. The aim is to support SEND young people aged 16-24 with an Education, Health and Care plan who want to find work to develop the skills, knowledge and experience to progress into employment.

Godspower was diagnosed with a severe to profound bilateral sensori-neural hearing loss and had two post aural hearing aids fitted when he was a toddler. Godspower has congenital heart disease, microcephaly and a significant global developmental delay which affects his cognitive, social and speech and language skills. Godspower also has a diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Condition. He needs to be in a supported environment and requires a BSL interpreter to communicate.


Godspower was referred to BELS from Oaklands College to plan options as he had reached as far as he could go in an FE provider. We were tasked with seeking an external provision that could meet his needs.


On receipt of this referral, BELS made contact with the family to find out more about him and suggested a Supported Internship programme -  an employer-based learning programme that moves young people into paid employment.


As Godspower had completed a Level 1 Practical Horticulture Certificate at college, BELS suggested the Harington Scheme, which offers Horticulture courses, would be a good fit for him. He was referred, and an assessment day was arranged.


Due to Godspower’s need for a BSL interpreter, BELS paid a signer to assist him on his assessment day which was very successful. He was offered a place on the pre-supported internship programme for one year. This is a study-based programme with employability to get young people ready for the world of work.


On completion of this one-year programme, Godspower progressed onto the Supported Internship Programme for another year. He graduated in summer 2023 and went on to work in the commercial arm of Harington as a gardener which he is enjoying immensely. Through access to work Godspower has been able to work with his signer.


While on the programme, BELS carried out monitoring visits to the provider and met and talked to Godspower to see how they were doing, and to address any concerns they may have had.


BELS Service Standard


Attached is a case study which highlights:


  • Quick follow up service

  • Accurate review of young person and their needs

  • Being able to match young person with appropriate provider

  • Staying on the journey with the young person pre, during, and post programme



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