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Barnet Options and Careers Event


BELS were delighted to host the Barnet Options and Careers event last month in partnership with Middlesex University.

More than 500 young people from over 30 schools attended the event. Young people had the opportunity to speak with exhibitors, participate in interactive activities, take part in one-to-one careers guidance interviews and attend presentations on GCSE options, post 16 options and post 18 options. All the presentations were extremely popular and well-received. There was a huge interest in our T Level launch. Students and parents/carers were excited to learn about the new qualification coming to Barnet from September 2023.

The evening was deemed a success with students, just under 90% of them rating the event as good or excellent. We are also delighted that the overwhelming majority of young people now feel more informed about the options / careers available as result of the event.

We had over 40 exhibitors at Middlesex University from a range of career sectors as well as local colleges and training providers. Employers who attended the event include McDonalds, the Metropolitan Police, the RAF, MICA Architects, TK Maxx, Société Générale, HCL Technologies and Whittington Health NHS Trust. Feedback from our exhibitors was extremely positive with 96% finding the event useful for their organisation and feeling they had the opportunity to share information about the opportunities available within their organisation.

We are grateful for all the support received with the event – Middlesex University, Barnet schools and all of our exhibitors.

We look forward to continuing to support young people in Barnet in ensuring that they are aware of the options open to them. Look out for our upcoming prospectuses to support current Year 11 students in planning for September 2023 as well as our T Level article in the next edition of “Barnet First”.



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