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From Primary to Secondary - Transition Conference


The BELS Specialist Inclusion Services would like to invite you to this Year’s Transition Conference, "From Primary to Secondary School", on Thursday 16 May 2024.

The Specialist Inclusion Team is holding a virtual transition conference for parents/carers of Y6 children with additional needs transferring to secondary school in September 2024/2025. Parent/carers of Y5 children with additional needs are very welcome too.

If you would like to learn about ways to support your child/children transitioning from Primary to Secondary School and what to expect from schools as well as hearing from some of the professionals involved with your child, please sign up to the conference using the email address included in the attached flyer.

A zoom link will then be sent to those who sign up.

Looking forward to welcome you!

Gina Mime

Lead Advisory Teacher, Physical Support & Complex Needs Team (PS&CN)

Barnet Education and Learning service



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