Religious Education, Worldviews and Collective Worship in Barnet Schools
SACRE: Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education
A SACRE is part of local government. Its main function is to advise the local authority (LA) or borough, such as Barnet, on matters related to Religious Education and collective worship in schools. If you are a teacher, parent, governor, headteacher, community or faith leader looking for more information and support with Religious Education and worldviews.
Barnet SACRE is a very active group, consisting of volunteer representatives from schools, faith groups, education and Government from the London Borough of Barnet.
They meet to discuss Religious Education in schools and create ways to engage with schools in a meaningful and rich way. SACRE provides curriculum support to schools through the provision of an Agreed Syllabus document, faith talks, RE training and Network opportunities with other RE teachers and the RE adviser.
If you would like to be actively involved on Barnet SACRE please contact the clerk of SACRE Neil Marlow at neil.marlow@barnet.gov.uk
Legal Requirements
Statutory Requirement for Religious Education (NATRE)
SACREs and Religious Education
Withdrawal from Religious Education and Collective Worship
Withdrawal from Religious Education
Religious Education and Worldviews Curriculum support, resources and information
More information about Barnet SACRE: Annual Report, Meetings and Functions
Information on Collective Worship
Contact Information
Religious Education Advisor to Barnet: Jan McGuire
Jan McGuire is a Religious Education and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) Consultant. As an experienced Adviser for the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) Jan works as a national trainer, governance officer and Adviser in RE for Local Authorities and educational organisations.
Jan is involved in developing regional and national curriculum materials for use within the broad area of RE, SMSC, cultural and religious diversity. Jan is named lead author and editor of the ‘Teaching Controversial Issues Toolkit’, adopted by the UN in 2018 and the Religious Education leadership mentoring (REvitalise) programme for the Association of RE Inspectors, Advisers and Consultants (AREIAC) and CSGT. Jan is an accredited lead internal verifier and assessor.
An experienced classroom teacher and leader in RE for over 25 years, teaching from Primary through to Higher Education level, Jan provides training and support in all aspects of RE and SMSC.
If you would like support with your curriculum or Religious Education in general please contact Barnet SACRE Clerk, Neil Marlow at neil.marlow@barnet.gov.uk